Sunday, October 11, 2009

Who is to blame poverty or disease?

Poverty and health go hand in hand, and poverty affects health and its determinats in many ways. I am exchange student at the University of Turku. I was born in Tanzania one of the country in developing countries. About 80% of population in Tanzania lives in rural areas where main economic activity is agriculture. Life in rural areas is very difficulty as it is faced with various problems such as climate, diseases, poor harvesting and hunger. Poverty is the main problem in most rural areas. People live with less than 2 US Dollars a day which is below the poverty line. Most of the villages in rural areas don't have health facilities. Health services are delivered in a very far distances. A person had to walk about more than 5 km searching for health services. Some people mostly pregnant women die on the way to hospital. Above all rural people don't have money to pay for health services. Lack of money which is the feature of poverty contributes to high death in rural areas. Some people die out of the diseases which can be treated. In this perspective who is to shoulder this problem.

1 comment:

elly rop said...

I agree with you Mhache about poverty is the friend of disease as you site example in africa that is true but also disease can be the cause of poverty vise versa but most is poverty which causes disease.